Client and Employee Surveys

(with Net Promoter Score - NPS®)

To collect client and employee feedback as to your company’s value calculated from customer experience and employee satisfaction, Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a management tool that is used to monitor the loyalty of your company’s customer or employee relationships.

This metric was introduced in a 2003 Harvard Business Review and is used by companies around the world as a benchmark measure of company value.

Actiond automates the sending of surveys, gathering responses and presenting data in a meaningful way for your team to take corrective action.

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Survey Module
Gather feedback from your clients’ experience and employees’ satisfaction, and view all response data on your dashboard.
With our 12 month rolling data, you can easily analyse your trend status.
Survey Dashboard
View detailed response data and statistical information from the client and employee feedback for simple analysis.
You can filter data by date range, or key information, to aid with targeted training or communication.
Survey Email
Actiond automates sending of surveys based on integrated triggers from your data.
You’ll have simple branding (using your company logo) survey completion for high uptake.
Survey Questions
Questions and settings are self configurable to suit your own needs.
Your targeted questions will ensure you gather the right information to help boost your business.
Survey Response Comments
Track all comments from clients’ and employees’ feedback, both positive or negative.
Includes a simple search function.
Survey Actions
Automated action workflows for all negative responses to ensure continuous improvement of customer experience and employee satisfaction.
Actions are completed by nominated team members with details added, and are time and date tracked.
Easily ensure any negative feedback is Actiond!